Recently Siberian Federal University(SibFU) launched new postgraduate programs. Further, the Siberian Federal University(SibFU) is committed to establishing a world-class, competitive university. Similarly, SibFU conducts research and contributes to international distinction for the good of Siberia. However, the Siberian Federal University (SibFU) goal is aiming to produce thousands and thousands of trained and educated professionals for a variety of sectors and government agencies. In addition, SibFU main goal is to help Russia’s and Siberia’s leading industries succeed on a global scale. As well as to strengthen Russia’s contribution to the Asian-Pacific region’s economic growth.
SibFU develops highly skilled experts capable of carrying out realistic tasks, establishes revolutionary solutions, and leads to the development of the socio-economic potential of regions rich in natural resources located in harsh regional climatic conditions.
Moreover, Siberian Federal University SibFU’s vision and efforts aligned in promoting local business growth, which resulted in a significant development for the university’s numerous stakeholders. In addition to the economic benefits and enhanced international recognition and prospects for the Siberian Federal District and Krasnoyarsk, SibFU’s goal is to improve teaching and learning and expand public services in Siberia through technical capacity growth.
Recently Launched Postgraduate Programs of SibFU
Chemical Sciences and Petroleum Chemistry
(program starting date: 02.00.13) (Language of Instruction Russian: English)
Information and Computer Sciences
Theoretical Foundations of Informatics (program starting date: 05.13.17) (Language of Instruction: English)
Computer Facilities and Control Systems; Elements and Devices (program starting date: 05.13.15) (Language of Instruction: English)
Industrial Ecology and biotechnology
Technology and commodity research of food products and functional and specialized purposes and public catering
(program starting date: 05.18.15) (Language of Instruction: English)
To apply, please fill out the application form and wait for a response from one of the SibFU/Russian Education Forum‘s specialists.
Let’s begin the new year by making smart decisions!