Moscow. December 17. – The Unified State Exam (USE) for school graduates in 2022 will be held from March 21 to July 2, the main period for passing exams will be from May 26 to July 2, following from the orders of the Ministry of Education, published on the official portal of legal information.
According to the documents, the main wave of the Unified State Exam this academic year will take place from May 26 to July 2. On the first day of the main exam, graduates will be able to take an exam in geography, literature, or chemistry. The compulsory USE in the Russian language will take place on May 30 and 31. The exam in mathematics of the profile level will be held on June 2, and the basic exam on June 3. On June 6, the USE will be held in history and physics, on June 9 – in social studies, on June 14 – in foreign languages (written part) and biology, on June 16 and 17 – in foreign languages (oral part), on June 20 and 21 – in computer science. Reserve days are scheduled from June 23rd to July 2nd.
The early period for taking the exam will begin on March 21 and will last until April 18. An additional period for the exam is scheduled for early September (September 5 and 8).
The main state exam (OGE) for ninth graders will be held from May 20 to June 15. The early period of the OGE will be held from April 21 to May 17. It will be possible to re-pass the OGE, by the decision of the state examination commission, in September.
The OGE in the main subjects will be held: in mathematics – on May 24, in the Russian language – on June 15.