MSU-Moscow ranked among the top 100 Leading universities in the world
MSU-Moscow ranked among the top 100 Leading universities in the world.

MSU-Moscow ranked among the top 100 Leading universities in the world

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) ranked under 91st position in the latest Round University Ranking, making it the World’s top 100 best institutions. Likewise, this year, 867 institutions from 74 nations participated in the project with 95 institutions from Russia.

The Round University Ranking (RUR) is an international world university rankings platform. Similarly, it measures the performance of universities worldwide by 20 unique parameters and four important areas of university activity: teaching, research, international diversification, and financial sustainability. The project envisioned as an evaluation system that would provide accurate information on university performance to meet the expectations of stakeholders such as students, academics, university administration, and policymakers.

“The recent Round University Ranking for MSU clearly reflects the great progress made by the University and demonstrates its consistent growth during the epidemic, which is an extraordinarily difficult time for higher education institutions. The University’s recently developed interdisciplinary scientific-educational institutes will ensure a new level of research and publishing activity, laying the groundwork for future expansion.,” said Rector of MSU Victor Sadovnichiy.

During the past years, universities from Anglo-Saxon nations continue to hold top places. However, Russia is second only to the United States in terms of participation (128 universities). Apart from being the best Russian university in the rankings overview, Lomonosov Moscow State University(MSU) has also topped the list of Russian universities in terms of the world teaching and research reputation, as well as some international diversity indicators, such as the percentage of international bachelor’s degrees awarded.

If you have any general inquiries regarding admission to Moscow State University, please send an e-mail to

Heres’s the MSU ranking position in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) EECA 2021 Publications.

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