The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation hosted an online webinar to discuss a new algorithm for foreign students entering Russia and the potential for a new approach to education.
Natalya Bocharova, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, told students from abroad and representatives of international services of the country’s leading universities about the new algorithm for the entry of foreign students into Russia, approved by the operational headquarters to prevent the importation and spread of coronavirus infection.
At a regional webinar dedicated to the organization of the educational process in Russian universities in an unstable epidemiological situation, Deputy Minister Natalya Bocharova said that the appeal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to open borders for foreign students had received the principal consent of the operational headquarters. A new algorithm for entering the country for students from abroad was approved, according to which all foreigners can continue their studies at Russian universities in full-time format in 2021-2022, regardless of the resumption of flights with their countries. In addition, the order allows one of the parents of a minor student to come to Russia as an accompanying person.
However, until the moment when students arrive at universities, they must continue the educational process online in order to keep up with the curriculum. If students have questions or problems when switching to a hybrid training format, they can turn to a situational center specially created on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and receive the necessary information via the hotline.
Natalya Bocharova also noted that, taking into account the decisions of the headquarters, foreign students have the opportunity to be vaccinated with Russian vaccines. It should be noted that there are 24 immunization points in Moscow, where foreign students can be vaccinated with Sputnik Light.